Monday, December 3, 2012

Life happens sometimes, and it sucks.

Sooo....the last time we left our intrepid hero, she had just gotten out of the hospital and was still sick as holy fuck. A few things have changed since then...namely, there is no longer a boyfriend for some...interesting reasons, and there is also no longer a home. The two are partially related. I'm crashing with an awesome friend who is letting me stay with him while he can, and I'm going to see about signing up with the Air Force since...well, work just isn't providing me with enough hours to earn enough to live off of, and I can't continue depending on someone else for a place to sleep. I've never really wanted to have anything to do with the military, but right now it's my best and guaranteed room and board as long as they keep me on, and they'll provide health insurance, which I desperately need. Also, since I need a vehicle but cars are freakin' expensive, I may be instead working towards a cheap motorcycle (found a few a hell of a lot cheaper than any car I've located) and learning how to ride one of those instead. Cheaper on gas, anyway.

So, in general this month has been full of complete suck. The only really good things that have happened so far is that a friend was willing and able to give me a place to stay for now, and that I may be getting a nice bonus at work for this drawing of the company mascot I did that the district manager really, REALLY liked and is submitting to the company head as a possible christmas plush/card that would be featured throughout the holiday season if it gets approved, which I'd be credited for. So, not only a possible foot in the door with the design world, but a nice bonus as well if it's approved! All because I got bored on break and sketched the mascot dog.

Oh, and I cut my hair really really short, and may dye part of it. I'm thinking bleaching my bangs white and doing purple streaks, leaving some of the white streaked through. Could be cool. Can't do that if I do get into the Air Force, though, so I'm waiting on it. One of my coworkers told me something interesting...she said that she's found that after an extreme emotional upheaval or distress or big change, people tend to change their appearance somehow...most often by cutting or dyeing their hair. I never thought about it, but she's right. Every time I've hacked my hair off or dyed it a weird color or when I got my naval pierced (need to get it re-pierced, the hole closed up) something horrible had happened shortly before. Then again, my life has pretty much been nothing BUT horrible events for the most part, so it could be coincidental. Meh.

Sorry for the lack of posts, but I haven't had the time or energy to make with the funnies. Maybe when things start looking better.

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