...and I've had good reasons for being MIA! A breakup, two moves, and quite a bit else...
Firstly, I was in the CCC (California Conservation Corps) for a little while, but ended up washing out due to a heart problem that they found, same thing that kept me out of the Navy (along with a spinal issue) so that was a no-go. I have a job now at Michael's (which rocks not only because they don't care about piercings, hair colors or tattoos...I have purple bangs now! Purple! And when this one guy was being a total douche and threatening one of my co-workers, the manager gave me permission to punch him in the throat. I almost wish the cops hadn't gotten there and run him off just so I could've clobbered this guy, he was a total prick) and the hours aren't very good, but it's better than nothing, and I'm looking for a second job to provide additional income, along with art commissions, knitting and such. I'm also now taking care of an adorable bundle of fuzz named Bentley, a tortoiseshell kitten (Male torties are super rare, so that's awesome) that was the only survivor of his litter...whether the others got killed by the gigantic raccoons running around that my roomie's mom won't let me kill, or they died of the respiratory infection their mom had while pregnant that they were born with, I'm not sure but he's the only one. His infection's cleared up, I had to bottlefeed him for a bit but he's on solids now, and he's certainly feeling healthy considering how he likes to spaz all over the room and repeatedly test the edibility of my limbs. My roomie's cat doesn't care for him much, but that's okay, she's old and grumpy so it's not surprising she's not really up to kitten-sitting. I need to get more pictures of Bentley though, he's getting big now!
Anyway, a lot has been going on, and will be still, so I'm not sure when/if I'll be updating here in the near future. Just letting you know I'm still alive though!
Wow! Have you been able to get help for your health issues and get on the medication you need? Now with Obamacare in effect you should be able to get some help. Michaels is a need place; I do not know of anyone that is hiring full time now. Do you stay in touch with your ex and the group of friends you made when you were together? I hope you are able to get a place of your own soon; it can be very stressful living with others especially if they are not family.