Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life Happens

Okay, so here's an update for everyone (aka, why I haven't been posting anything in ages.) No, I have not died and become a member of the undead. Yet. Keeping my fingers crossed for the undead thing though.

Anywho, what's going on now...Boyfriend and I broke up, so no more boyfriend, and I'm staying with a different friend for now while getting ready to go into the Navy, which hopefully will happen very soon because if not...well, my seasonal employment at Target ended, they had no room for any permanent hires at the moment and no one is really hiring right now, despite all the applications I've put in so I'm unemployed again. I hope to train as a linguist for the Navy though. All I have to do now is take the real test (I took the practice one and scored really high on it, so I don't expect to have any problems though I'm studying anyway) and get my physical, and hopefully I'll be off to boot camp! Which is mostly spent in a classroom for the Navy and Air Force from what I've been told, the Army and the Marines are the ones getting torn apart in physical trials.

So, I'm sorry I haven't had time to post anything here or on Faerie Fails for a while, and probably won't until things get settled again. I can't find the pen to my drawing tablet right now either, so yeah. It's probably packed up with my other stuff somewhere. Anyway, that's what's been going on!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the boyfriend. When will you take the final test and the physical? Hope all goes well. It would be an excellent opportunity to travel, learn about different cultures personally and get a career that will allow you to support yourself. Good luck and keep us posted.
